Indicator Reset Light Service

    Instructions on how to manually reset the warning signs that occur in your car dashboard

    Tag: Oil service interval

    Well after a small but required service on the car I had to reset the warning light. The real quick deal to reset all the requested lights on Rover 75 is to do the following Get a small wire, Turn the key to second position, Short Pin 8 and Pin 4 on the OBD connector […]
    Reset service interval display, insp and oil service for Volvo 850-70, that can be made manually by use button on car dashboard. Reset service light indicator, engine oil life Volvo 850-70, oil reset instructions: RESETTING 5000 MILE SERVICE LAMP ON 1994 + 1995 850 NOTE: This function is for the service reminder lamp, be sure […]
    Turn the car on. Wait about a minute for the computer to get to normal. press and hold the travel mile reset button. Hold it untill an ! in a triangle appears. then your maintanance info will pop up. select the item to reset. and tap the side button on the wand atached to the […]
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