Indicator Reset Light Service

    Instructions on how to manually reset the warning signs that occur in your car dashboard

    Tag: READING

    Reset service light indicator, engine oil life Mercedes Benz GL – Class, year: 2007-2012, oil reset instructions: 1. Turn the ignition to position 1. (close all doors 2. Press the system selection button (3 located on the lower left of the steering wheel) repeatedly until the kilometer or temperature reading is shown in the multi […]
    Reset service light indicator, engine oil life Mercedes Benz SLK – Class, year: 1998-1999, oil reset instructions: Manual Reset: 1. Turn key in steering lock to position 2. 2. Within 4 seconds press button (1) left of speedometer twice. 3. The present status for days or distance displays 4. Press and hold button (1) 5. […]

    2007-2011 1. Turn the ignition to run (one position before starting engine). 2. Select trip metre A reading by using the trip metre button and then turn the ignition off. 3. While pressing the trip me

    2004-2011 1. Turn the ignition to run (one position before starting engine). 2. Select trip metre A reading by using the trip metre button and then turn the ignition off. 3. While pressing the trip me

    2005-2012 1. Turn the ignition to run (one position before starting engine). 2. Select trip metre A reading by using the trip metre button and then turn the ignition off. 3. While pressing the trip meter reset button 4. Continue to press and hold the button until the trip meter displays “”000000″”.” 5. Turn the […]

    SCION iQ reset service light indicator, engine oil life, service indicator oil reset maintenance light SCION iQ, oil reset instructions: How do you oil reset maintenance light SCION iQ, maintenance li

    This Maintenance light is a reminder : “TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGE!” 1. Turn the ignition key to the ‘OFF’ position with the trip meter A reading shown. 2. Turn the ignition key to the ‘ON’ position while holding down the trip meter ‘RESET’ button. 3. Hold down the knob for at least 5 seconds. […]
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