Reset service light indicator, engine oil life Audi A3, year 2003-2009 oil reset instructions: For…
Oil service light indicator reset Audi A2 , A3 , A6
Reset service light indicator, engine oil life Audi A2 (year:2000-2005), Audi A3 (year:2000-2003), Audi A6 (year:2000-2004), oil reset instructions:
Audi A2 (2000-2005), A3 (2000-2003), A6 (2000-2004)
For Fixed Interval servicing, you can use the following procedure:
Start with the ignition turned OFF
Press and hold the button on the right side of the display while turning the ignition on (position 2)
“SERVICE IN xxx Miles / Kilometres” or “SERVICE !” should be displayed on the dashboard
Release the button on the right
To reset on the existing service schedule, press and hold the button on the left side of the display until the NEW distance or time value appears
Release the button on the left
Turn off the ignition