Indicator Reset Light Service

    Instructions on how to manually reset the warning signs that occur in your car dashboard

    Reset service light indicator Skoda Citigo

    How to reset service light indicator Skoda Citigo.

    Before the next service interval the messsage InSP appears for some seconds and the remaining kilometres are indicated after switching on the ignition.
    Reset service light indicator Skoda Citigo
    At the time of the service, an acoustic signal will sound and the message InSP appears for a few seconds after switching on the ignition.

    Resetting Service Light Interval display:

    • resets the display memory after the relevant inspection.
    • makes an entry in the Service schedule.
    • affix the sticker with the entry of the following service interval to the side of the dash panel on the driver‘s side.

    These instructions are based on the Skoda owner’s manual. This procedure should apply to the fourth generation of Skoda Citigo (2011, 2012, 2013 model years).

    Skoda Citigo oil reset service light indicator

    This reset should be done after changed the engine oil and filter according to the technical specifications relating Manufacturer. Resetting without changing the engine oil lead to premature engine wear and serious problems in the functioning of these. If the indicator message illuminates when you start the vehicle, the oil change indicator system did not reset. If necessary, repeat this procedure.

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